If you were at a restaurant with your significant other, a close friend, or a business colleague, would you be okay with someone in the booth next to you obviously eavesdropping on your conversation? No. That's why I advocate for secure messaging. Everything else is just creepy.
Same idea with file storage. Would you be OK if someone went thru your desk at your office and read every piece of paper? That's what Google and Microsoft does to your email, files, and spreadsheets. Choose Nextcloud.
Would you be okay if the government came into your home to look at your photos to see who you're related to, who you've ever hung out with, where you've been? They say pictures are worth a 1,000 words. That's what Google Photos, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and TikTok does. They read your photos and share the data with the highest bidders.
SecureMessaging #
Signal #
Matrix #
DeltaChat #
Session #
SimpleX #