If anyone is interested as to how I have my Access Lists (audience control) set up in Streams , it looks like this:
Public Followers: All people, projects, or companies I've connected to in the Fediverse.
Online Friends: Those I have somewhat of a friendship with in this virtual world.
My Personal Friends: People I know in real life.
My Fediverse Accounts: My other accounts in the Fediverse. Mostly used for testing.
Company or Projects: Just that. This is used more for sorting my Stream.
Connections/Accounts can be added to multiple Access Lists.
I can post to each of these Access Lists and only those in the List can see my post.
A couple of posting options not seen in my image when creating posts is Public and Only Me. I use my Streams as a public blog, meaning, if you go to my public account, you will see my public posts. This is different than my Public Followers list. This creates a more pleasant public profile.
The Only Me option is literally just that, allowing me to create somewhat of a journal for my eyes only.
Having these options are essential for my online life and Streams and Hubzilla are the only places I know that you have this great flexibility. (Hubzilla calls these lists Privacy Groups).
The Access Lists have two purposes.
1. Privacy over who sees what content created.
2. Creates specific timelines (streams) for those in these groups.
![Screenshot from 2023-09-27 20-40-39.png](https://my.talesofmy.life/photo/bda3875b-92a9-486f-a06f-da82903be27b-1.png)
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