This is my afternoon.
A friend wants a Windows Surface. I have multiple Surfaces in my house. One is no longer needed.
From left to right
Left. My son's Surface 3 running Windows 10, but hasn't been touched in almost a year.
Center. My Surface Go 3 running Fedora.
Right. My wife's Surface Go 3 running Windows 10.
I'm giving up my Surface Go to sell (the middle screen) but I have to reinstall Windows 10. So, I'm creating a USB Fedora live boot drive that I'll use to install on my son's Surface 3.
My Surface Go 3 will get a new copy of Windows that I'll sell to my friend.
I'm using my wife's Surface to create a Windows recovery drive.
An Oktoberfest from Confluence Brewing, Des Moines, IA is good company. 🍻

Fedora #
Linux #
Surface #
WindowsSurface #
Windows #
MidwestUSA #
DesMoines @
BeersOfMastodon group